Monday, October 26, 2009


Veloce started its operation in Tokyo in '86.

There are not so many kinds of coffee, but each of them has good quality.

This Veloce is adjacent to a library, so some people read at the table.

You might not be familiar with iced coffee, but it's available almost everywhere in Japan.

It was so warm on this day and people were enjoying coffee on the terrace.

I posted 2 articles on coffee shops so far. One was "Doutor" and the other "Backyard Cafe". And I would like to introduce a third one called "Veloce" today.

Like I said before again and again, I can't do without coffee everyday. It's more important than breakfast in my case. I usually skip breakfast and have coffee instead, and keep having a dozen cups until midnight. As you might guess, I have difficulty sleeping with so much coffee, but to me, coffee is like gasoline that keeps me going all day.

So far I have tried various coffees that were served by a posh restaurant, hamburger shop, local coffee shop and so forth. And this Veloce's coffee is reasonably priced but very good among them. You know, "veloce" is an Italian word that means "velocity" in English, which means this shop serves a coffee very fast. Your coffee is served in less than 30 seconds after you paid money at the cashier.