Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bad ass coffee in December

I'm not a kind of person who enjoys walking around in malls, but malls in Japan sometimes have unique coffee shops that you wouldn't see anywhere else. And my area is a bit rural, and we can have coffee at a unique coffee shop in a mall that can be usually seen in Tokyo only. 

 Can you recognize that tiny Christmas tree? Most of our malls start to decorate themselves with Christmas ornaments in November. 

I didn't know the meaning of "Bad ass"until I looked it up in my dictionary. Japanese people aren't familiar with English, so if they know the meaning of "ass" only, the name would sound only weird. 

 This shop's interior is based on Hawaii, so it was like having Christmas time in summer. I've always wanted to spend December in Hawaii or the southern hemisphere. 

The purpose of this post was showing a dish this coffee shops serves. I showed this coffee shop last year, but then I showed iced black coffee only. What you can see in the basket is bread with boiled egg and bacon. 

Foreign people often ask how we celebrate Christmas, but most people seem to enjoy Christmas in a secular way. I think Christmas is more important for young people who have partners than New Years.